Chasing Legends: A Family Adventure to Roques Encantades and the Volcà de Sant Marc

Legend has it that the devil used to reside at the top of the Collsacabra mountain range, spending his time hurling massive rocks down the slopes. Fed up with the mischief and the rocks tumbling into the valley, the residents of Sant Feliu de Pallerols called upon their guardian angel for help. The angel chained the rocks to the mountain, putting an end to the devil's antics. Bored without his favorite pastime, the devil decided to move on.

Whether you buy into the legend or not, the Roques Encantades (Enchanted or Chained Rocks) make for a beautiful hike that the whole family will love.

  • Technical Difficulty: Easy

  • Time: 5 hours, 6 minutes

  • Distance: 11.5 km

  • Route: Sant Feliu de Pallerols – Colls d’Uria i Bas – Via Verda – S. Miquel de Pineda – Sta. Cecilia


SHIMANO SUPER CUP MASSI in Banyoles – Exciting Mountain Biking Weekend!


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